Wage and Hour Claims
Business Expense Reimbursement (personal car mileage, personal cell phone, personal computer, etc.)
Class Action (a group of employees With the same Wage claims against the same employer)
Exemption Misclassification
Independent Contractor Misclassification
Minimum Wage Exemption Misclassification
Missed Meal Periods (lunch breaks)
Missed Rest Periods (rest breaks)
Overtime Exemption Misclassification
Paid Sick Leave Issues
Unequal Wages (unlawfully based on ethnicity, race, or sex)
Unpaid Commissions
Unpaid Minimum Wages
Unpaid Overtime Wages
Unpaid Regular Wages
Unpaid Paid Vacation or PTO Wages
Wage Statement Issues (pay stubs)
Other Employment and Labor Law Claims
Whistleblower Claims
Unlawful Retaliation
Wrongful Termination